How to Help

Be part of the most exciting and hopeful climate solution ballot initiative in history!
  1. Share our short videos with friends and family, and follow us on social media.

  2. Donate by clicking on this secure link to eFundraising Connections, one of the largest and most secure non-partisan campaign donation sites in the United States. Every $100 that we receive will allow us to show our video to more than 3,000 voting age Californians. If REAL becomes law, a $100 donation will enable $100,000 of privately financed new solar power to be built in California during the next 20 years. This could be the most impactful climate donation you ever make!
  3. Make and share your own video about why you support a REAL Climate Solution! Use the hashtags #GetREAL and #REALClimateSolution when you share it on social media.
  4. Gather Petition signatures If you are over 18 years of age and would like to gather names from friends and family members for our petition to get the REAL initiative on the ballot for 2024, please click the eFundraising donate link below to contribute $20.45 to pay for printing, shipping, and handling (2045 is the year that California plans to decarbonize electricity and transportation).

    We will send you four sets of petitions and a self addressed stamped envelope to send them back to us. Each set will have space for 28 names, as well as instructions. You do not have to complete them all. If we are able to secure additional funding, we will be able to send out petition packets at no cost. If you are part of a group or organization that would like to gather a substantial number of petitions, please email us at

    Donate $20.45 to order your petitions by clicking on this secure link to eFundraising Connections 

Paid for by the committee to Advance the Renewable Energy Acceleration Law of 2024