Petitions must be printed out and either mailed or dropped off. California does not allow digital signatures for ballot measures.
For your signature to count, you have to make sure to follow specific steps.
- Click download petition
- Download and print the petition for your county. Make sure that it has the current month listed. Make sure to print all pages, even if you only intend to sign it yourself.
- Before you sign, make sure you sign the declaration on the last page of the petition stating that you will not use petition signatures for any other purpose than to help qualify REAL for the ballot.
- When you are ready to fill out the petition, print your name, address where you are registered to vote, and then sign your name using the signature you used on your voter registration card.
- After you have finished signing or gathering signatures, you must now fill out the Declaration of Circulator statement at the bottom of every page that has signatures on it. Write your name, address, and the dates during which signatures were collected. If both declarations aren’t filled out completely, none of the signatures you collected will count!
- When you are ready to turn your petition in you can either mail it directly to us or drop it off at a local participating business. Make sure you turn in every page of the petition, not just the signature page(s).
As you collect signatures, it is important that you follow all election rules. It is against the law to break any of these rules:
- You cannot use the names and addresses you’ve collected for any purpose besides qualifying REAL for the ballot.
- Each petition signer must be given the opportunity to read the initiative, the top funders list, and the summary statement.
- Each signer must complete their own information. You aren’t allowed to sign the petition for anyone else.
- You must not intentionally mislead or misrepresent REAL or the REAL petition process.
- You must not offer anything in exchange for signing the petition.
Now you are ready to sign the petition yourself and/or gather signatures!
Before you put the petition in the mail or take it to a drop off location, make one last check that you have signed and filled out both the declaration on the final page of the petition and at the bottom of each page that has a signature.