Real Climate SolutionCalifornia’s Renewable Energy Acceleration Law of 2024 (REAL) would be the most impactful climate solution ballot initiative in history. It could double the deployment of new privately financed solar electricity generation, every year for the next 20 years, and allow California to reach its urgent goal of decarbonizing electricity and transportation by 2045.

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We are organization that specializes in running face-to-face campaigns for political parties, candidates, and advocacy groups.

How California's REAL initiative works to enable a Solar Family Farm climate solution

REAL would update the California Public Utility Code to permit the “over the fence” sale of low cost solar power for a new generation of small solar family farms on agriculturally zoned land.

California's Solar Shortfall: A REAL infographic

In order to meet its mandated climate goals, like decarbonizing the state’s electrical grid, California needs to triple the rate that solar is being built. Unfortunately, our state’s aging infrastructure is preventing enough solar from being built.

How the REAL Ballot Initiative helps Californians and the Climate

The Real Ballot initiative accelerates the development of solar power, lowers energy costs for farmers, brings E.V. charging to rural areas and more!

“ Somewhere inside of all of us is the power to change the world. ”
Ronald Dahl
British novelist

Top Issues for Register Voters





Paid for by the committee to Advance the Renewable Energy Acceleration Law of 2024