The Renewable Energy Acceleration Law (REAL) was independently created to legalize market-driven solar farms that bypass an overburdened transmission grid and help California meet its mandated 2045 decarbonization goals for electricity and transportation. It started as proposed legislation and was modified for a public initiative that was introduced in July, 2023, but failed to gather the 540,000 signatures necessary to qualify for the  2024 ballot.

How REAL works

REAL would permit thousands of solar family farms to sell their power “over the fence” to neighbors and EV charging stations within a two mile radius.

California's Solar Shortfall: A REAL infographic

Meeting our state’s important goal to stop burning fossil fuels for electricity and transportation by 2045 will require doubling the rate of new solar power generation.

What REAL can do, in 30 seconds

REAL accelerates solar power, lowers energy costs for farmers, brings E.V. charging to rural areas and more!

How REAL Boosts Farm Profits

If REAL passes, farmers would be able to sell solar electricity directly to their neighbors for the first time. Small solar farms would be able to make a profit of $500,000 each year on just 30 acres of underutilized land, while cutting the electric bills of their neighbors by 30%!

Paid for by the committee to Advance the Renewable Energy Acceleration Law of 2024